Urgent Care Billing Service

Swift & Efficient Revenue Cycle Management
for Your Urgencies

Urgent Care Billing Support – Any Time & All Time

In the realm of medical billing, urgent care revenue cycle management centers grapple with revenue stagnation in spite of increasing volume of patients visits primarily due to limitations in performing pre-service billing steps associated with urgent care delivery; and inefficient billing and coding process. A swift and on-time eligibility and benefits verification, clear communication of patient’s financial responsibilities, efficient use of urgent care specific codes and a optimized billing process perfectly in sync with urgent care requirements will improve your revenue cycle.

Leveraging our profound expertise and specialization in urgent care billing, alongside extensive experience in revenue cycle management services, we, at RCM Workshop, guarantee meticulous and precise handling of your billing procedures. Our dedicated team ensures that you receive required support whenever you need it and your billing is performed with unparalleled proficiency and accuracy to get optimal reimbursement for the services rendered.

Unbeatable Service, Quality & Price

0 %
< 0 Hours
0 %
Starting from $ 1100 /Month


Challenges in Urgent Care Billing

While similarities exist with primary care billing, urgent care billing can be vastly different in terms of optimizing a revenue cycle. It is prudent for urgent care centers to bill according to urgent care specific coding and billing requirements ensuring better reimbursement.
Urgent care centers bridge the gap between primary care and emergency rooms, urgent care setup is different than that of clinics and emergency rooms. Most patients need immediate medical attention and there are limitations to methodically follow standard pre-service billing steps such as verifying patient information, insurance and benefits checks and determination of financial responsibilities.

Payment to urgent care centers also vary depending on payers, whether covered by Medicare or private payers. Billing team must use appropriate codes depending on payers and payer specific contract to get maximum possible reimbursement for the services rendered. On average, an urgent care contract pays roughly 30% more than a primary care contract. It is necessary to use correct codes – POS, HCPCS (“S” codes) & CPT following the Medicare urgent care billing guidelines as well as fulfilling the insurance payer’s requirements to get better reimbursement for urgent care services. Being a full-service RCM service provider, our dedicated team at RCM Workshop works 24×7 in tandem with your urgent care setup and assist your team deliver quality care and achieve revenue objective.


Our Urgent Care Billing Process Workflow

With our comprehensive Urgent Care Billing process, we ensure a seamless end-to-end billing experience, ensuring that you receive the appropriate payments in a timely manner. Our end-to-end urgent care billing process covers every billing task from pre-billing services such as eligibility verification, coding, and charge posting to post-billing services encompassing claims, submission, payment posting, denial management, and AR follow-up. Our dedicated billing experts work according to your working hours and schedule.
We prioritize extensive quality audits and reviews, and meticulously organize documents at every stage of the revenue cycle to achieve timely and high-quality outcomes. Our analytics driven approach helps us monitor, measure and manage every billing process based on key performance indicators (KPI). Our metrics driven reporting tool captures and reports every aspect of process performance – productivity, quality and $ collections in a transparent way and gives you full control over your billing process.

Demo Entry & Insurance Verification

Verify demographics information and insurance benefits; ensure accuracy of patient demographic & insurance (primary & secondary) information and update in the system.

Medical Coding

Assign correct code and modifier (POS, HCPCS, CPT etc.) that meet specific urgent care coding guidelines for correct reimbursement.

Code Review & Charge Entry

Check accuracy of codes and modifier and assign corresponding and appropriate charges to the codes.

Documentation Audit and Review

Gather all documents needed as per urgent care specific guidelines and thoroughly review those before claim submission.

Claims Edit & Submission

Audit the claims thoroughly to check for accuracy and edit if necessary and submit claims – both EDI and paper format.

Payment & Denial Posting

Carry out both auto as well as manual posting for payments received and conduct reconciliation against claims.

Denial Management

Analyse and categorize denial claims according to denial codes, $ amount and payers, and resubmit claims after correction.

Accounts Receivable

Follow-up with payers to gather status for unpaid claims, and their resolution.

Patients Collection Follow-up

Sending patient statements and follow-up with patients for final and outstanding payment.
Tailored to your specific needs, you have the flexibility to entrust us with either your entire billing or select any combination of our Urgent Care billing services. Rest assured, our seamless integration ensures smooth operations without causing any disruption to your billing workflow.


Outcomes Guaranteed

Our comprehensive approach of urgent care billing process presents unparalleled advantages for your business, elevating your ROI through a truly 24×7 billing service. Our swift and systematic delivery process rooted in the finest revenue cycle management practices to ensure outstanding results in your revenue cycle.

Efficient coding & code review

Appropriate reimbursement

Efficient denial management

maximize revenue

Proactive accounts receivable management

reduce bad debt and aging

Promptness and efficiency in service delivery

quick turnaround time

Proper documentation and process efficiency

improve compliance & reimbursement

Overall process optimization

Improve cash flow and revenue


Why partner with us

Our Urgent Care billing service is designed to integrate flawlessly into your current billing framework, catering to all your billing requirements seamlessly. Our team operates as an extension of your existing setup and works in tandem following your schedule and working hours to achieve your revenue objectives. Our unwavering commitment to your operational requirements ensures that you never miss the opportunity to optimize your revenue cycle. Partner with us today for unparalleled outcomes.

Guaranteed Improvement in Reimbursement and
Cash Flow

Reduction in denials
<5% and AR aging
<40 days

Truly 365 x 24 x 7

100% data security
& HIPAA compliance

On demand scale up
of operation

Significant Reduction
in Cost > 75% Savings

Simple & No
Cost transition

Flexible & Unbeatable
Pricing Plan