Payment Posting

Trust RCM Workshop - Get a Clear Picture
of your Payments and Receivables

Trust RCM Workshop - Get a Clear Picture of your Payments and Receivables

Payment Posting to Reconciliation

Are you facing the ever-present challenge of having a clear view of your claims reimbursement? Are you encountering difficulties in reconciling claims with collections? RCM Workshop’s efficient payment posting solution will greatly address this challenge and help you get back your control over your cash flow and receivables by giving a quick snapshot of payments in progress and an overview of the practice’s financial picture.
Our payment posting services are meticulously crafted to reduce errors during the payment posting process, simplifying your billing procedures, providing a more lucid view of payments and collections, facilitating the prompt identification and resolution of any prevailing issues. Our payments posting reports and analytics provide you with trends and reasons for denials, collections and pending payments, and effectiveness of your front-end patient collections.

Our Process

Upon receiving insurance payments, our skilled billing experts at RCM Workshop diligently record payment details in patient accounts and update financial records. Our billing expert scrutinizes each EOB/ERA from insurance companies, posts payments, co-insurance and deductibles; makes insurance adjustments. and expeditiously informs the accounts receivable and denial management teams of any denial issues. Our team work meticulously to perform every posting task on time and provide a clear picture through an overview and detailed report on collections and denials.


Our Value Propositions

Our services aim to build an efficient billing system through an efficient payment posting and reconciliation process and offer a multitude of benefits to your business improving your revenue cycle and ensuring financial health of your business.

Accurate and faster payment posting

A clear picture of cash flow

Faster denial posting

Quick denial management response

Daily analytics and reports

360° view of collections and receivables

Improved process efficiency

Improved revenue cycle


Why partner with us

Our Payment Posting services is part of our comprehensive Revenue Cycle Management solution and ensures correctness of payment processing and reporting. Our billing experts will work closely with your team and proactively perform the tasks involved with an exceptional accuracy and turnaround time. We are committed to delivering unparalleled support and productivity, while helping you optimize your revenue cycle. Partner with us today for exceptional outcomes.

Improved Payment
Reconciliation & Reporting

100% data security &
HIPAA compliance

On demand scale up of operation

Significant Reduction
in Cost > 75% Savings

Simple and No Cost transition

Flexible & Unbeatable
Pricing Plan